3D Visualization Bureau Service

Make your next Multi-Disciplinary Design Review ‘go with a bang’ and maximise the vital contribution of all the expensive attendees. To see the specifics of how you can benefit from “double added value” visit our 3D Visualization Bureau Service page.
We understand that you want the benefits from new developments in 3D CAD, Simulation, Immersive VR or 3D Printingg but without the hassle, cost and training. Let our 3D Visualization Bureau Service bridge the gap between you and the many potential suppliers by guiding you through the plethora of options and pulling all the steps together to deliver the right visualisation solution for you, within your budget.

Applications & Experience
Nuclear - Defence - Bio-Hazard - Industrial Automation
in common, our unique contribution:
Nuclear Waste Box Lidding and Swabbing
Standard industrial robot with robust tool changer and tool bank for swabbing a nuclear waste container and bolting down the lid.Decommissioning Controller
Application of proprietary industrial standard Advanced Tele-operation Controller (ATC) to several nuclear projects.Legacy Nuclear Reactor Inspection Manipulator Upgrade and Support
Nuclear manipulator control system upgrade of an 11 degree of freedom inspection arm in an operational nuclear reactor.Controller Upgrade Saving £’000s
Radiation hardening of swabbing robots by upgrading encoders to resolvers, plus bespoke electronics for full compatibility with the original robot controller.VIT Line Repair Using ATC
Consultancy and conversion of two of industrial standard Advanced Tele-operation Controllers (ATC) from use with the ‘HDHM’ for use with the new Schilling Titan 4 allowing the main contractor to effect the pipe repair.Fuel Pellet Inspection using Machine Vision
Consultancy in the design and supply of machine vision systems for the inspection of fuel pellets and fuel pins, together with mechanical handling to further automate the process.

Software for Bomb Disposal
Manipulator kinematic control software development for a 9 degree of freedom remote bomb disposal manipulator to MOD SIL2 software standard (not shown below).

Design, build, commission and delivery of a novel man portable Abrasive Water Jet Cutting (AWJC) robot for CMD.Consultancy
- Manipulator design and control for the placement of a mine detection confirmation sensor;
- Design of arm kinematics and matching control system for a redundant manipulat or for use in CBRNE;
- Investigation into the application of new and emerging technologies to IEDD and CMD problems;

In recent consultancy it became clear that many types of Bio-Hazards can be addressed and reduced to some degree with proven and emerging technologies such as: Remote Handling, Robotics (including specialist robots and microbots), Automation, Machine Vision, portable & stand-off detection sensors (including FTIR & Raman spectrometry), developments in software & cognitive systems, and break through technologies such as nano particles & materials, ‘lab on a chip’ and anhydrobiosis.Challenging life science applications - both in the lab and in the field – can leverage developments in these key technologies from work done on nuclear, defence (eg CBRNE), cutting edge industrial and even surgical and clinical applications.
Solutions are available now and in the near term whether you are looking to reduce risk from sharps, sample gathering, and animal autopsy; or simply seeking to improve throughput and tracking of sample processing.

Industrial Automation
The application of Robotics, Automation and Machine Vision to nuclear, defence and bio-hazard applications is non-trivial and often requires Advanced Robotics to cope with the challenges. Many years of applying Advanced Robotics into these unstructured environments has given us the expertise and experience required to address your more challenging industrial automation applications.
Use the Contact page to arrange a free consultation visit to discuss your application.